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Saturday, May 11, 2013

i dont have to waste my time for someone who doesn't appreciate me.
they dont deserve it.

all this time:
 for being just an option.

 for being the one who's just fun to be with.

 for being the one who's always there desperately waiting,

 for mere concern or pity.

it is better to have nobody than somebody who is half mine, half visible with capacity of 'kosong'. or even doesn't want to be here. or is here, and then suddenly disappears.

you can be in love and you can be in a relationship,
tapi percayalah...
both are not the same thing.

assalamualaikum,  good night readers :)


“Kalau kau bagitahu semua benda,
kau tak payah nak ingat apa-apa.”
-Auf Iylia Sarbani-